
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Lovely Year of Play . . .

Well geez friends, I’ve been writing this post (and many others!) in my head for weeks, but like all the other fantastic things I had to share J, these thoughts have had a hard time leaving my head for ‘pen & paper’. Which may be a good thing, because even as I sit here and start to type what I thought I was going to say is already taking a new tone.

What I thought I was going to write was about how even though we've had some (many!) blog worthy moments, from the incredible to the mundane, over the last few months, the insanity of life with two small kiddos has taken over and held me hostage from my computer. I was going to try and convince you (ok, myself) that even in the throws of reality I’m still making it all happen and have many pearls of wisdom, fun, and fabulousness to share.

All of which is true . . . sort of, because as I actually craft these words, I realize that while life has been swallowing me whole, and that I been consumed every minute just by living,  for the first time ever (yes really, ever) I don’t feel guilty that I’m not the mama with the mostess because I can’t live an incredible (incredible ordinary. . . maybe) life AND document it daily and beautifully on this little ol’ blog . . . and one day my book (dream alert!).  I know this must sound CRAZY to most of you, because who in their right mind feels guilty about not blogging, especially when they are not a professional blogger?! I know, I know . . . feel free to think me a little crazy J, but my cross to bear is that I’ve always had to have a million fun creative projects going to (no matter how heavy my load!) to make me feel like I was truly accomplishing ‘life’. And . . . I really, REALLY enjoy having all these 'said' projects going on!! 

When I started blogging again, all two posts, I was exhilarated, I was back! Then . . . well, you know the story, but it’s OK. I’m realizing that all the titles I’ve given myself over the years don’t wholly define me, they define chapters in my life, and while I’ll always have a piece of each of those chapters in me, some hopefully one day taking center stage again (blogger/author/lifestyle expert . . . ahh yeah!) the title that defines my every waking moment right now is mom.

In light of the latest tragedy to hit our country, I’m reminded just how fast this chapter, as mommy to babes will go, and I just want to embrace every moment of it. My children have taught me the definition of hard, the true meaning of tired, and what reality really means, but they have also taught me what it means to be truly selfless, what a true, deep, staggering, unconditional love feels like, and just how incredibly amazing each of us are when we are given the chance to shine.

So for now I’m going to let myself get full caught up in this whirlwind of life, to give love and feel loved, to play with my babies, to drink bottles of champagne while laughing (and crying!) with my most beloved girlfriends, to hug my husband, and in a rare moment of peace, to sink luxuriously into a tub of bubbles. And when life allows, I’ll write about the fabulous moments, the mundane moments, and moments of inspiration, but until that happens I hope to inspire just by the way I choose to live.

So for my last post of the year (come on we know another one isn’t coming in a week!) I thought what better way to bring a close to this incredible/exhausting/exhilarating last twelve moments than by sharing what the loves of my life have been up to, through the power of pictures.

This is my love letter to them . . . 

Happy holidays & lots of love for 2013!

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