
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Lovely Year of Play . . .

Well geez friends, I’ve been writing this post (and many others!) in my head for weeks, but like all the other fantastic things I had to share J, these thoughts have had a hard time leaving my head for ‘pen & paper’. Which may be a good thing, because even as I sit here and start to type what I thought I was going to say is already taking a new tone.

What I thought I was going to write was about how even though we've had some (many!) blog worthy moments, from the incredible to the mundane, over the last few months, the insanity of life with two small kiddos has taken over and held me hostage from my computer. I was going to try and convince you (ok, myself) that even in the throws of reality I’m still making it all happen and have many pearls of wisdom, fun, and fabulousness to share.

All of which is true . . . sort of, because as I actually craft these words, I realize that while life has been swallowing me whole, and that I been consumed every minute just by living,  for the first time ever (yes really, ever) I don’t feel guilty that I’m not the mama with the mostess because I can’t live an incredible (incredible ordinary. . . maybe) life AND document it daily and beautifully on this little ol’ blog . . . and one day my book (dream alert!).  I know this must sound CRAZY to most of you, because who in their right mind feels guilty about not blogging, especially when they are not a professional blogger?! I know, I know . . . feel free to think me a little crazy J, but my cross to bear is that I’ve always had to have a million fun creative projects going to (no matter how heavy my load!) to make me feel like I was truly accomplishing ‘life’. And . . . I really, REALLY enjoy having all these 'said' projects going on!! 

When I started blogging again, all two posts, I was exhilarated, I was back! Then . . . well, you know the story, but it’s OK. I’m realizing that all the titles I’ve given myself over the years don’t wholly define me, they define chapters in my life, and while I’ll always have a piece of each of those chapters in me, some hopefully one day taking center stage again (blogger/author/lifestyle expert . . . ahh yeah!) the title that defines my every waking moment right now is mom.

In light of the latest tragedy to hit our country, I’m reminded just how fast this chapter, as mommy to babes will go, and I just want to embrace every moment of it. My children have taught me the definition of hard, the true meaning of tired, and what reality really means, but they have also taught me what it means to be truly selfless, what a true, deep, staggering, unconditional love feels like, and just how incredibly amazing each of us are when we are given the chance to shine.

So for now I’m going to let myself get full caught up in this whirlwind of life, to give love and feel loved, to play with my babies, to drink bottles of champagne while laughing (and crying!) with my most beloved girlfriends, to hug my husband, and in a rare moment of peace, to sink luxuriously into a tub of bubbles. And when life allows, I’ll write about the fabulous moments, the mundane moments, and moments of inspiration, but until that happens I hope to inspire just by the way I choose to live.

So for my last post of the year (come on we know another one isn’t coming in a week!) I thought what better way to bring a close to this incredible/exhausting/exhilarating last twelve moments than by sharing what the loves of my life have been up to, through the power of pictures.

This is my love letter to them . . . 

Happy holidays & lots of love for 2013!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Freaking Fabulous Fall Friday

I don’t know what it was today, it was just one of those great days when all seemed right with the world. Maybe it was the afterglow of a great (much needed!) work out & girls night out, maybe it was the fact that I got a whole 3 hours in a row of sleep last night (it’s been one of those weeks), maybe it was the fact that I got to take my new Frye boots, colorful cashmere scarf, and market tote to Whole Foods this afternoon and bought things like Fantasy Pumpkins, sunflowers, and butternut squash (yum!). 

All from Nordstrom

Maybe it was the fact that Jackson, our almost 3 year old finally discovered this week that using the potty is cool,  or that Vivian, our 4 month old, decided that she’s over the swaddle . . . whatever it was,  today just felt great and tonight I had one of those moments when I was able to be totally and completely present – something that I STRUGGLE with, I’m always doing ten things at once and thinking twenty, so when I realized it and drank in the moment, I was hit with a huge wall of happy. Perfect, just perfect.

So what was this monumental moment? Nothing but the family sitting on the floor of Jackson’s room, which we has just finish rearranging & sprucing up, listening to the Sam I Am soundtrack, eating takeout from our favorite neighborhood brewery, and just being with each other, having fun. It was the first time in a while that I can remember us not rushing to ten places (see! . . . STRUGGLE), my husband and I weren’t having a serious discussion over the kiddos heads, or at least one child wasn’t having a ‘moment’, making it feel like the walls of our house were closing in. Like I said, all was right in the world J.

So why is this blog-worthy? Because I, and I believe a lot of us ladies, struggle (word of the day!) with being in the moment, and so easily forget how awesome these little moments are. I let too many of these moments pass without even noticing them (I’m to busy thinking of my to-do list, writing emails in my head, craving nachos, and wondering if my teal skinny jeans would be too much paired with my new coral cable knit sweater). Seeing how fast our littlest bun is growing I’m making a huge effort to stop and smell the kiddos . . . ok that sounds a little freaky, but you get my drift! And nights like tonight remind me why it’s oh so important.  So next week when I’m writing about the ten million projects, events, happenings that are consuming my days, feel free to comment, “Breath” . . . because really isn’t this what it’s all about?! True story.

just another little moment to help you welcome the weekend . . . 

Happy friday all, cheers, and salute! 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

And . . . here we go!

After months of hiatus . . . one pregnancy, one crazy auction (my first time planning), one new baby girl, and a blog re-design and we’re back! To say I’m excited, however completely overwhelmed at the idea of adding even more to my jammed packed days, is an understatement!

Heather Culley Photography & Design

 This ‘new’ blog IS a continuation of “Baby, the new black” but this time we’re going a little deeper. When I was writing my first blog it was all about sharing the story of ‘us’ while trying to fit into the mold that I thought a blog should be . . . a result of reading waaaay too many highly stylized wedding and décor blogs. This time around, I’m owning my feelings, my experiences, my own personal journey through life and celebrating it with a new confidence. Will I still write about entertaining and parties, decorating and home projects, cute kid moments and fun times with friends? OF COURSE, because all those things are part of my story, my family’s story, and I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t live passionately for those things! Wait . . . did I forget to mention wine?! Because I REALLY wouldn’t be me if I didn’t live passionately for the grape J!

However, since becoming a mama I have been so inspired, motivated, and felt supported by so many women, both in my ‘real life’ and via the net, sharing their stories. I’m equally moved by hearing about their fabulousness and their follies, their mommisms and mantras (even if it’s just a mantra for the day!), and their successes and struggles, because at the end of the day it feels GOOD to know that the women I admire are just trying to ‘survive the day the best they can’ just like the rest of us.

Ahhh, my mantra makers!

So now it’s my turn, to seek inspiration (and share it!) and to inspire, to laugh, to cry, to break it all down, all while sharing the story of us. One passionate/crazy/loving/fabulous/overwhelmed/TIRED/happy mama, the hubs (who looooooves being a daddy), a rambunctious toddler, a bun fresh out of the oven, and one jealous pug living a life that’s equal parts champagne & sippy cups.

Champagne . . .

Sippy cups . . . 

So sit back, mix yourself a killer champagne cocktail – you deserve it, and enjoy! 

French 75
my cocktail of choice . . . actually it should be the ONLY cocktail of choice! 

* 3 oz gin
* 3 oz fresh squeezed lemon juice
* 4 teaspoons superfine granulated sugar 
* 1 1/2 cups ice
* 1 cup chilled bubbles
* lemon twist for garnish
* mix, shake, pour . . . preferably (keeping it chic) in one of these . . .

PS: as you might have noticed, the blog design is not yet complete, but like life it's a work in progress, so the time to start capturing it all is NOW! Here we go!

Monday, August 20, 2012

New Title, New Chapter

Hey ya'll, you heard right, "Baby, the New Black" is back, though with a bit of a (much needed) makeover! 

“Baby, the New Black”, was created when I learned I was pregnant with my first little man as a way of sharing my excitement of being a new parent while intertwining my love of design, entertaining, and event planning into my new role as “mommy”. Now, three years later, my life and my family have evolved (cue baby number two!), so it only seems fit that our blog evolve as well! We’ve traveled through ups & downs and have arrived on the corner of reality and joy. A little wiser, a little tougher, a whole heck of a lot more sleep deprived, and prepared to tackle this new chapter with the help of a little grace, the recipe for a killer champagne cocktail, and a hell of a sense of humor!

"Champagne & Sippy Cups" will pick up where “Baby” left off, with a doting daddy (the hubs!), a rambunctious toddler, a bun fresh out of the oven, one jealous pug, and a mommy who continues to live passionately for her love of great adventures, unforgettable events, amazing eats, good wines, a cozy-chic home, good friends, and of course the greatest loves of her life, her family.

So join me on this great adventure of life as I continue to find inspiration, (hopefully) inspire, and most importantly celebrate the crazy beautiful moments that being a mom, wife, and friend leads to.

We're still working out the final bugs, but stay tuned because I'll be posting soon on a regular basis. Let the party begin!

Photo by Heather Culley Photography & Design

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Baby . . . The New Black, Round Two!

Yep, it's true, Jackson's getting a sibling, come June our little family of three will officially be 3+1! This time around things are much, much different . . . instead of baby being the new black, life with baby (um . . . toddler) has not only become the new black, but the new white, red, purple, and every other color in between. It's true, we are now well versed in all things 'family', and (gulp) being a parent seems more familiar than foreign. Our social life has gone from happy hours and endless (in the best type of way!) dinner parties, to joint-family (day-time) outings and speed dinner dates in "gourmet" establishments like Tutta Bella. Where weeknights were once filled with trips to the gym, hanging with friends, networking at the latest work event,  and loooong discussions over dinners made together, they're now filled with swim lessons, gymnastics,  lighting quick workouts, and one pot dinners. And sleep . . . don't even get me started, but let's just say Top Pot helps anyone be more of a morning person!

While it sounds like a whole lot of change, and let's be honest it is, we're now settled into this new chapter like a pair of your coziest yoga pants and are rocking it! So bring on bundle of joy number two because we're ready and more than just a little excited to see our family grow.

Blogging on 'baby' has been SUCH fun and while I will always continue to keep you all updated on our adventures (chronic over-sharer here!), like our life, 'baby' has reached a new chapter. So while it will be back soon, I need a little time to refocus, revamp, and recreate the blog that's still all about baby, and of course living both passionately and stylishly with baby (some things never change!), but now just from a new perspective . . .

Happy Holidays all, my bump and I will see you all in the new year!



Monday, September 5, 2011

Sous Chef

These days, if I'm a bakin', Jackson's a helpin'. While I love my little sous chef, I've learned that the simpler (ie: quicker!), the better, which means brownies - store bought mix (of course - hello, realist here!) doctored up with some yummy ingredients like dark chocolate chips, salted carmel, or hazelnuts - is our go-to recipe when preparing goodies for our loved ones. Whoever said semi-homemade wasn't  foodie-worthy, never had a toddler!

Disclaimer: for all our "new parents" pals, no toddler germs were present in your care package, all double dippin' took place after your treats were safely in the oven!