
Friday, October 5, 2012

Freaking Fabulous Fall Friday

I don’t know what it was today, it was just one of those great days when all seemed right with the world. Maybe it was the afterglow of a great (much needed!) work out & girls night out, maybe it was the fact that I got a whole 3 hours in a row of sleep last night (it’s been one of those weeks), maybe it was the fact that I got to take my new Frye boots, colorful cashmere scarf, and market tote to Whole Foods this afternoon and bought things like Fantasy Pumpkins, sunflowers, and butternut squash (yum!). 

All from Nordstrom

Maybe it was the fact that Jackson, our almost 3 year old finally discovered this week that using the potty is cool,  or that Vivian, our 4 month old, decided that she’s over the swaddle . . . whatever it was,  today just felt great and tonight I had one of those moments when I was able to be totally and completely present – something that I STRUGGLE with, I’m always doing ten things at once and thinking twenty, so when I realized it and drank in the moment, I was hit with a huge wall of happy. Perfect, just perfect.

So what was this monumental moment? Nothing but the family sitting on the floor of Jackson’s room, which we has just finish rearranging & sprucing up, listening to the Sam I Am soundtrack, eating takeout from our favorite neighborhood brewery, and just being with each other, having fun. It was the first time in a while that I can remember us not rushing to ten places (see! . . . STRUGGLE), my husband and I weren’t having a serious discussion over the kiddos heads, or at least one child wasn’t having a ‘moment’, making it feel like the walls of our house were closing in. Like I said, all was right in the world J.

So why is this blog-worthy? Because I, and I believe a lot of us ladies, struggle (word of the day!) with being in the moment, and so easily forget how awesome these little moments are. I let too many of these moments pass without even noticing them (I’m to busy thinking of my to-do list, writing emails in my head, craving nachos, and wondering if my teal skinny jeans would be too much paired with my new coral cable knit sweater). Seeing how fast our littlest bun is growing I’m making a huge effort to stop and smell the kiddos . . . ok that sounds a little freaky, but you get my drift! And nights like tonight remind me why it’s oh so important.  So next week when I’m writing about the ten million projects, events, happenings that are consuming my days, feel free to comment, “Breath” . . . because really isn’t this what it’s all about?! True story.

just another little moment to help you welcome the weekend . . . 

Happy friday all, cheers, and salute! 

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Don't we all forget how blessed we are in the little moments!
