
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

And . . . here we go!

After months of hiatus . . . one pregnancy, one crazy auction (my first time planning), one new baby girl, and a blog re-design and we’re back! To say I’m excited, however completely overwhelmed at the idea of adding even more to my jammed packed days, is an understatement!

Heather Culley Photography & Design

 This ‘new’ blog IS a continuation of “Baby, the new black” but this time we’re going a little deeper. When I was writing my first blog it was all about sharing the story of ‘us’ while trying to fit into the mold that I thought a blog should be . . . a result of reading waaaay too many highly stylized wedding and décor blogs. This time around, I’m owning my feelings, my experiences, my own personal journey through life and celebrating it with a new confidence. Will I still write about entertaining and parties, decorating and home projects, cute kid moments and fun times with friends? OF COURSE, because all those things are part of my story, my family’s story, and I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t live passionately for those things! Wait . . . did I forget to mention wine?! Because I REALLY wouldn’t be me if I didn’t live passionately for the grape J!

However, since becoming a mama I have been so inspired, motivated, and felt supported by so many women, both in my ‘real life’ and via the net, sharing their stories. I’m equally moved by hearing about their fabulousness and their follies, their mommisms and mantras (even if it’s just a mantra for the day!), and their successes and struggles, because at the end of the day it feels GOOD to know that the women I admire are just trying to ‘survive the day the best they can’ just like the rest of us.

Ahhh, my mantra makers!

So now it’s my turn, to seek inspiration (and share it!) and to inspire, to laugh, to cry, to break it all down, all while sharing the story of us. One passionate/crazy/loving/fabulous/overwhelmed/TIRED/happy mama, the hubs (who looooooves being a daddy), a rambunctious toddler, a bun fresh out of the oven, and one jealous pug living a life that’s equal parts champagne & sippy cups.

Champagne . . .

Sippy cups . . . 

So sit back, mix yourself a killer champagne cocktail – you deserve it, and enjoy! 

French 75
my cocktail of choice . . . actually it should be the ONLY cocktail of choice! 

* 3 oz gin
* 3 oz fresh squeezed lemon juice
* 4 teaspoons superfine granulated sugar 
* 1 1/2 cups ice
* 1 cup chilled bubbles
* lemon twist for garnish
* mix, shake, pour . . . preferably (keeping it chic) in one of these . . .

PS: as you might have noticed, the blog design is not yet complete, but like life it's a work in progress, so the time to start capturing it all is NOW! Here we go!


  1. I can't wait to hear all your adventures!

  2. Jill, my number one reader!! xoxo

  3. So glad that you're back. Now get on it. ;-)
